一群心怀鬼胎的人被巨额保金诱惑,住进了阴森“鬼”楼。楼内诡事频发,冥婚拜堂、厉婴啼哭不休、墙上莫名的血脚印,一切宛如噩梦狠狠缠绕众人!沈言(李梦 饰)对男友刘振中(苏小玎 饰)温柔体贴却另有企图,而看似老实的刘振中也藏着秘密。苏杰克(刘迅 饰)、张辰(海陆 饰)与鸳鸯楼“厕所产子”传闻的女主人公封雪晴(赵樱子 饰)三人之间存在一段难以释怀的过往,就连楼内看似普通的保安叶凡(薛元清 饰)也卷入这个恐怖漩涡无法逃脱……头七回魂夜,怨魂归来审判渣男,他们不得不直面自己曾犯下的罪过,一场酣畅淋漓的复仇戏码悄然上演!
4.0 丽莎灵异实录
6.0 闹鬼季节
9.0 杀死爱人
2024 恐怖简介:When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious. -
9.0 愿者安息
2023 恐怖简介:Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal falls in love with the undead woman. This is when he begins to commit murders in order to feed her, even if it means having to deal with the police's attempts to capture a serial killer... -
6.0 尸潮汹涌
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