黎小军(邓超 饰)出生在一个动荡的年代,为了能够让儿子拥有稳定的成长环境,母亲含泪将小军送到了工人甘梨花家,从此,小军有了一个甘妈妈,还有了一个名叫甘露(范冰冰 饰)的妹妹。黎小军处处保护着弱小的甘露,甘露亦十分信赖哥哥,两人之间结下了深厚的情谊。 之后,黎小军入伍成为了一名军人,他和甘露天各一方无法见面,但小军的心中始终保留着对于甘露的思念。复员后,甘露找到了小军,然而彼时一位名叫安在良的男孩正在不离不弃的追求着甘露,与此同时,小军和甘露的感情亦遭到了家人的强烈反对,年轻气盛的小军做了许多令他后悔的事情,悲伤的甘露选择了离开,但他们的缘分却并没有完结。
4.0 猎捕行动2025[电影解说]
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9.0 鬼滴语2[电影解说]
5.0 此刻最后[电影解说]
2024 电影解说简介: Sophie is a twenty-year-old American woman who has lived all her solitary life in a bubble. During a vacation in Palermo with her sister, she meets Giulio and his group of Sicilian friends. Anxious to let go and live life to the hilt, Sophie decides to walk along the edge of disaster and gets sucked into a vortex of risky behavior that turns a mere romp on the wild side into a heart-pumping fight for survival – and redemption.